Kyokushinkaikan Sokyokushin Uchi-deshi Seminar 2015, The Netherlands
The Uchi-deshi weekend camp was held by the Kyokushinkaikan Sokyokushin Wildeboer Dojo on Friday 6th February to 8th February 2015 in Sport Arcade, The Netherlands. Hence, this seminar offered Kyokushin adepts this rare opportunity to gain much knowledge from such an experienced Instructors. This seminar was…
Our Participants for the Scottish Open 2015
Here is the list of participants who will be representing Scottish Open Karate Tournament on 21st February 2015: Daniel Brown - Novice Heavy Weight Jonathan Mendoza – Novice Middle Weight Sathmi Fernando – One Match Kumite Cameron Skimins – One Match Kumite [caption id="attachment_3288" align="alignleft" width="233"]…
Merry Christmas and successful New Year!
Please Note Main Dojo CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS will be on 24th December to 5th January 2015. We will resume on Tuesday 6th January. Sokyokushin Kyokushin Karate Fernando Dojo wish you and your family a merry Christmas and successful New Year! Osu!
I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and successful New Year!
Osu! Dear Dojo members and friends The dojo will close on the 24th until the 6th of January for Christmas and New Year holidays. We would like to invite you to our Christmas Dinner at Nanakusa japanese Restaurant,Glasgow on Friday the 19th of December…
Kids Christmas Party!
15-12-2014 Great evening at the Sokyokushin Kyokushin Karate Fernando Dojo Kids Christmas Party! Please NoteChildren Dojo CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS will be on 16 th December to 5th January 2015. Osu!
Sensei Prasanna Fernando – 50 Men Kumite, Japan
Prasanna Fernando Branch Chief of the Kyokushinkaikan World Sokyokushin United Kingdom attended the 50 Men Kumite for his 5th Dan examination and successfully passed the exam for the title of Shihan in 24th November 2014 at the Kyokushinkaikan World Sokyokushin Honbu Dojo,Japan.
congratulations to Saiko Shihan Kazuyuki Hasegawa,Saiko Shihan Daigo Oishi and Saiko Shihan Eddie Emin for 9th Dan
Osu! A big congratulations to Saiko Shihan Kazuyuki Hasegawa,Saiko Shihan Daigo Oishi and Saiko Shihan Eddie Emin. We are proud of all your years of dedication, training, teaching and reaching your highest levels of Ku-Dan(9th Dan) Omedetogozai mashta! 23rd November 2014 at the All…
All Japan Open Samurai Cup Championship-Nagoya,Japan
Sensei Prasanna Fernando has been invited by Saiko Shihan Kazuyuki Hasegawa to Participated as a referee in the All Japan Open Samurai Cup Championship held in Nagoya, Japan was held in 23rd November 2014 at the Nagoya Sports Gymnasium.
Main Dojo Grading on 11-11-2014
Congratulations to the following students who successfully graded for their next belt level in 11th November 2014 Matt Shields 6th Kyu Yellow BeltDaniel Brown 6th Kyu Yellow Belt Chris Skaaning 4th Kyu Green Belt Donogh Maguire 4th Kyu Green Belt Jonathan Mendoza 4th Kyu Green Belt …