Our participants from the Kyokushin Karate Fernando Dojo
- April 21, 2017
- Kyokushin Karate Fernando Dojo
Rehan Fernando- Kumite Age 8,9 category- 3rd place
Sathmi Fernando –Kumite Age 14-16 category, girls open -1st place
Sathmi Fernando –Kata Age under 17 category open – 3rd place
Sathmi Fernando scored her first fight Ippon by Jodan mawashi geri within 10 second and defeated Jodie Robertson(shodan)IKU. Sathmi’s second fight won against Ellie Thomas (IKO Sosai Welsh) and final fight won within first round and defeated Ola Ziolkowska(IKO Matsushima Edinburgh ) Sathmi Fernando was great success at the championships and represented Kyokushin Karate Fernando Dojo to a very high standard. Osu!